ESA/JRC International Summerschool on GNSS
July 14th to 25th 2025 - Arachova, Greece
The application for registration is now open!
We are looking forward to meeting you in Greece in 2025!
Where the Summer School is held in 2025:
The Summer School is taking place in Arachova, Greece
Arachova (Greek: Αράχωβα, also Αράχοβα) is a mountain town and a former municipality in the western part of Boeotia. Since the 2011 local government reform it is a municipal unit, part of the municipality Distomo-Arachova-Antikyra. It is a tourist destination due to its location in the mountains, its traditions and its proximity to the town of Delphi. The town is a popular day or weekend trip destination from Attica and a gathering place for the rich and famous. This is not to be confused with Caryae (also spelled Karye) which is a town in the Southern Peleponnese that used to be called Arachova.

By Bus / Train
Arachova is quite remote, traveling by public transport can be a challenge. We ask you make your own arrangements.
By plane
Athens is the recommended airport of arrival. We will provide a shuttle from the airport to the hotel on July 14, 2025. The shuttle is scheduled to leave the airport not later than 2 pm local time. We kindly ask you to consider this for your flight booking.
Getting back to the airport we will provide also a shuttle, leaving on July 25, 2025 after breakfast at 09:30h.
The bus ride between the airport and the hotel will take approximately 2:30 hrs. We also kindly ask you to consider this.
The bus shuttle is already included in the registration fee!
By car
Please follow the indications on the map above.

Images used were provided by Novo Mesto Tourist Office