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Application for registration   -  is open!

We offer 2 types of applications : 

  1. Student Application

  2. Company Application

Please find additional Information below:

The program is open to graduate students (with a first university degree), Ph.D. candidates, early-stage researchers and young professionals willing to broaden their knowledge.

The following participants can register for the ESA Summer School:

  • Graduate students (more than 3 years studies)

  • PhD students and postdoctoral researchers 

  • Young engineers and professionals from industry and agencies 


Registration fees for 2025:

Early registration fee, until March 15, 2025:

Euro 2.600,--* / Student Registration (Graduate students, PhD students and postdoctoral researchers at universities)

Euro 4.850,--* / Company Registration (Young engineers/academics in industry and agencies)

Late registration fee, as of March 16, 2025:

Euro 3.250,--* / Student Registration (Graduate students, PhD students and postdoctoral researchers at universities)

Euro 5.500,--* / Company Registration (Young engineers/academics in industry and agencies)

The registration fee includes participation in all lectures and demonstrations, lecture material, accommodation, full board and social events.


* VAT is applicable to companies registered in the Netherlands and Individuals. VAT is not applicable to companies which are holding an EU VAT number, International Organisations and companies located outside the EU.

The number of participants is limited to 60 - early registration is recommended.


All requests to attend the GNSS Summer School 2025 are assessed by the organising committee. Notification of acceptance or rejection will be sent latest after 25 working days of receiving your filled in application. If accepted you will be provided with instructions by email on how to complete your registration.

In order to qualify for the Graduate Student registration fee, the following documents will need to be uploaded upon registration:

- A scan of your Student ID
- A scan of your passport/ID

In order to register as a Young engineer /acad
emic in industry and agencies, please follow the link:


Cancellation Policy


Fees for written cancellations received prior to May 31, 2025 are refundable less 450 €.  After June 1, 2025 there will be no refunds. The participant has the right to appoint a substitute at any time without additional costs.

All cancellations and changes must be submitted in written form - with indication of full name, invoice number and bank details for reimbursement - to:

The Organizer reserves the right to modify the content of the program, the lecturer and the times of lectures. If the number of participants is insufficient, the Organizer reserves the right to cancel the School and all related products and/or services without any liability on his part. In the case of a cancellation by the Organizer participants will be reimbursed the registration fee actually paid.

New this year: The ION - Institute of Navigation will offer a 1 year membership to each student!

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